Student Ministry


September 6 - 5

5Q @ the Student Center after MHS game

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September 6: 5Q @ the Student Center after MHS game

September 25See You at the Pole (Global Day of Student-Led Prayer)

September 27: 5Q @ Sand Springs Baptist after MHS game

October 2: Band Reeves Concert @ FBC Mineola

October 5: Scavenger Hunt (meet @ the Student Center)

October 9: FCA Fields of Faith (Meredith Memorial Stadium)

October 11: 5Q @ the Student Center after MHS game)

October 25: Feed My Starving Children (ministry event in Richardson, TX)

November 25: Six Flags Holiday in the Park

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The purpose of the First Baptist Student Ministry is to share the MESSAGE of Jesus Christ to students, MEET together with other Christian students, help them to MATURE in their faith, MAGNIFY God in everything, and MINISTER to others.

This is an awesome place for students looking for a perfect opportunity to meet new friends and grow in their relationship with God.  There are several opportunities during the week for students to be plugged into the student ministry.  These opportunities take place in our state-of-the-art 4,000 sq. ft. Student Center located at 122 North Johnson Street.     


7th - 12th grades | SUNDAY SCHOOL | Student Center | Sundays, 9:45 - 10:45AM

Our 1STudents Sunday School consists of age-appropriate small groups with some of the most incredible adults who facilitate those groups. During Sunday School, 1STudents experience worshipping God, lifting each other up in prayer and studying and applying God's Word to their lives.


7th - 12th grades | 1STudents WEDNESDAY NIGHT LIFE (WNL) | Student Center
Wednesdays, 6:00 - 8:00PM

WNL is a high-energy outreach event for the middle school and high school students of the Mineola community. The Student Center opens at 6PM each Wednesday. At 6:45PM, the students come together for games and/or worship and always receive a challenge from God's word. The Student Center closes at 8:00PM.

Questions?  Contact Kendall Banks