
But grow in the grace and knowledge of our lord and savior jesus christ.
To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. amen.    

2 PETER 3:18

First Baptist Mineola offers many ways for our adults to get involved.  We study God's word in Life Groups and offer Bible studies on Wednesdays as well.  We also enjoy reaching out to our community through events such as our annual Trunk or Treat and spending time in fellowship with other believers through our church-wide fellowships.
Keep scrolling to learn how you can get involved.

adult life groups 

Sundays - 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM

Co-ed (20-40) | B1 (Basement) |Rooted Class
Co-ed (35 - 50) | Room 218 |Stovall Class
Co-ed (50 - 65) | Room 203 | Gould Class
Co-ed (60+) | Room 136 | Redeemed Class
Women 65+ | Room 228 | Esther Class
Women 70+ | Room 113 | Sonshine Class
Men's Class | Room 211 | Huff Class

Wednesdays - 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM

Pastor's Prayer Meeting & Bible Study
Room 118
Women's Bible Study
Room 218



FBU offers classes for adults on various subjects on Sunday Evenings for six weeks beginning October 6, 2024, 6:00 - 7:00 PM.
Here are our classes this Fall:

How to Study the Bible - taught by Joel Etheridge - Room 218
Gospel Fluency: Speaking the Truth of the Gospel into Everyday Life - taught by Bill Self - Room 203
Understanding the Lord's Prayer - taught by Pastor Phillip - Room 118
New Member's Class - taught by Peter McCann & Alan Conner - The Basement
Pilgrim's Progress - taught by Jurgen Simons - Simons' Home - Call for directions (214-704-3548)

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