Our Story

How it all started...

"Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again. " John 3:7

We have a rich and long history in the community, as well as the state. Down through the years many people have committed to seeing the dream of the church fulfilled. That dream? To see souls added to the Kingdom.

Spreading God's Word Since 1877...

We still resolve to:
Make disciples through Bible-based preaching and teaching
Equip and encourage members to share the gospel
Faithfully give our time, abilities, and money
Diligently continue our support to local, national, and international missions
Challenge members to actively participate in church ministry
Have an active prayer ministry
Remain friendly and encouraging to non-Baptists without forfeiting Baptist beliefs

what we do ...

  • Serve a good and perfect God.
  • As His vessels, we seek to both serve our own and those who don't know Him.
  • There are many ways to serve and get involved at First Baptist. Whether you give financially or give with your time and talents, we encourage you to be generous and spread the word of God in every way you can.
  • Visit our ministries page to see where you may serve with us!

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together a 11 am.
Copyright First Baptist Church Mineola. All Rights Reserved